Organisation & sponsors
Organizing this event is a team effort. With the involvement of various experts from the industry, a strong advisory board and a range of sponsors who know a thing or two about the industry, we are making sure to organize an event that matches the industry's needs in accelerating the mobility transition.
See here who is involved. Want to join the party and become a sponsor? Check here.
Diamond Sponsors
The Province of North-Brabant is supporting Drive Forward 2025 as a Platinum sponsor.
Province of North-BrabantRAI Automotive is proud sponsor of Drive Forward 2025.
RAI Automotive Industry NLPlatinum Sponsors
The Advisory Board
The Advisory Board ensures expertise from various organizations, including TNO, the Municipality of Helmond, and the Province of North Brabant. Market parties and industry partners are involved in the Advisory Board through sponsorship and/or programming of the conference.
Steering committee
The steering committee consists of Brainport Development, RAI Automotive Industry NL, and Convention Bureau Brainport Eindhoven.
Naomie Verstraeten & Emiel Kuijpers
Brainport Development
Pim Grol & Bram Hendrix
RAI Automotive Industry NL
Cuno Groenewoud & Ingeborg Bosch
Convention Bureau Brainport Eindhoven