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Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement Brainport Development N.V. acting as legal entity for the website Drive Forward.

In this privacy statement, we inform you about what personal data we process, how we collect it and for what purposes. In addition, we inform you about your rights as a user.

Who are we?

We are Brainport Development, the economic development company that works together with entrepreneurs, educational institutions and governments in the 21 municipalities of Southeast Brabant to strengthen the Brainport Eindhoven region. 

Drive Forward is realized in collaboration with public and private partners. The steering committee consists of Brainport Development, RAI Automotive Industry NL, and Convention Bureau Brainport Eindhoven.

We attach great importance to the careful protection of personal data within this dynamic environment. Brainport Development therefore processes personal data only in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) and the AVG Implementation Act (UAVG).


In this privacy statement, some (legal) terms are used. Below is an overview of these terms and their meaning.

Data subject:The person whose personal data are processed by Brainport Development.
Recipient:A third party to whom the personal data are provided.
Personal data:Any information that tells something directly or indirectly about a person (data subject). Think of a name, e-mail address and location data, but also one or more elements that characterise the identity, for example height, hair colour and political preferences or a combination.
Processing:Activities involving personal data, such as organising, structuring, storing, updating or modifying or deleting personal data. This means that (almost) anything done with personal data is processing.
Processor:An organisation engaged to process personal data on behalf of Brainport Development, for example for payroll administration.
Controller:The controller determines the purpose and means of processing personal data. When Brainport Development decides 'why' and 'how' personal data should be processed, Brainport Development will be the controlling processing responsible party.


Of whom do we process personal data?

The website Drive Forward processes personal data of:

  • Visitors of this website;
  • Interested parties;
  • Our (business) partners;

What personal data do we process?

The website processes different types of personal data. Examples are:

  • NAW data (name, organisation and e-mail address);
  • Data about your activities on our website including device type;
  • Photos with recognisable people during our events and for marketing purposes;
  • Business information such as a business e-mail address, position, business address (self-employed workers) and billing details.


Photos and/or videos may be taken during (public) this congress. These may be published on our website and/or social media channels at a later time.

People who are recognisable on the images and whose personal details are known will be approached for permission before publication. Photos and videos are published with due regard to the purpose for which they were taken. 

Should you come across images of yourself on our website or social media channels, please contact us if you disagree with the publication. You can also communicate this before attending an event. Look for our contact details under 'Contact'.


By law, we are allowed to store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the use of the site. For all other types of cookies, we need your consent.

The website Drive Forward uses various cookies. For instance, we use cookies to analyse our website traffic, to save your preferences, to provide social media functions and for marketing purposes. Cookies are information files that can be stored automatically via your web browser when you visit a website. 
To provide insight into all cookies, we have also prepared a Cookie Statement. Here you will find information about the types of cookies, their purpose, providers, type and expiration period.  
When you visit our website, you will be given the opportunity to adjust your preferences or agree to the use of all cookies.

What do we need your personal data for?

Brainport Development only processes your personal data if we have a reason to do so. This is also called a specific purpose. On the Drive Forward website, we processes your personal data for:

  • Sending you our programm updates about Drive Forward via a newsletter;
  • Registration for attending the Drive Forward conference;
  • Contacting you about our partnership opportunities;
  • Connecting companies, organisations and individuals for the purpose of this conference;

We record in advance the reasons (purposes) for which we need your personal data. We do this as clearly as possible. In addition, we collect only those personal data that are necessary for that purpose. 

In some cases, it is necessary to share your personal data with other parties. We only do this when required by law, for the performance of an agreement or if there is a legitimate interest. To this end, we make agreements with the parties we share your personal data with.

On what basis do we process your data?

Brainport Development does not take processing you data lightly. We process your personal data only if it applies within the law. The AVG lists the following six bases on which we may process your personal data:

  • Consent, for example when you have signed up for our newsletter. You can withdraw your consent at any time.
  • Execution of an agreement, for example a sponsor contract.
  • Legal obligation, for example providing data to the Tax Office. 
  • Protection of vital interests, for example when someone's life or health is involved.
  • Having a task of public interest or in the execution of public authority.
  • Justified interest, for example for the proper performance of services.

How long do we keep personal data?

We do not keep your personal data for longer than necessary. To this end, we use statutory retention periods, set retention periods or use established criteria. Your personal data will be destroyed after this period has expired.

How do we secure your data?

It is important to us that your personal data is properly secured. To this end, we take technical and organisational security measures. We also ensure that the people working within Brainport Development handle personal data safely, carefully and responsibly.

What rights do you have as a data subject?

Does Brainport Development process your personal data? If so, you also have certain rights under the AVG. You have the following rights:

Right of inspection

You have the right to ask Brainport Development whether your data is being processed, which personal data it is and it is being processed. You have the right to inspect this personal data and to receive a copy of the personal data we process about you.

Right to rectification and addition

You can ask Brainport Development to amend or supplement your data if the personal data we process about you is not (or is no longer) correct or complete.

Right to removal of your data (right to oblivion)

You can ask Brainport Development to remove the personal data we hold about you. In some cases this is not possible, for example when the data are needed to comply with legal obligations. 

Right to restriction of processing

You can request Brainport Development to restrict the processing of your personal data. Brainport Development will then temporarily stop processing your personal data until your request has been dealt with.

Right to transferability of data (data portability)

You can request Brainport Development to transfer your personal data to another processing manager (in a machine-readable format).

Right of objection

You have the right to object to Brainport Development processing your personal data. This is possible, for example, if Brainport Development uses your personal data for direct marketing (such as advertising by e-mail).

If you want to make use of one or more of these rights, you can submit a request to Brainport Development. The best way to do this is by e-mail. Our contact details can be found under the heading 'Contact'. We can best help you if the request is formulated as clearly and concretely as possible. We will reply to your request as soon as possible, but at the latest within one month.


Do you have any questions or would you like to exercise your rights as described in this privacy statement? 

You can reach us via e-mail. Our Privacy Office can be reached at

Alternatively, you can reach us by phone at 040 751 2424 or by post at:

Brainport Development
Attn: Privacy Office
P.O. Box 2181
5600 CD Eindhoven

You can file a complaint with the Dutch Personal Data Authority, for example if you are not satisfied with the handling of a request.